I got a question from one of my readers that I couldn't answer. I used to be a skeptic and require facts, figures and statistics; but I think I'm too much of a Nicosan believer to be able to answer this. My baby is also on NICOSAN. Can't dream of taking her off it!!!! My elder sister has an 8-yr old who has been on hydroxyurea for the last 6 years. She has had two major strokes affecting the right side and a minor one affecting the right shoulder. I have tried time and again to get her to allow her daughter take NICOSAN but she's refused. Unlike me who leans more to herbal she prefers {Westernized} real medicine which comes with statistical information on success rates, what the medicine actually targets in the body etc. Would you by any chance know of anyone who has had a similar experience and moved to NICOSAN with successful results? I really need to get her on this.
So to other users out there...how did you cross the great divide from Westernized 'real' medicine to herbal remedies and Nicosan? Drop me an email or share your comments.
I'm not a Nicosan user, so I don't have a personal story, but what I can offer is the most important data, individuals that have had success. As I've been involved (from a distance) with Nicosan for the last year and a half I've met more and more people that say it works. They talk about how they or their children use the medicine and their pain has gone away, they don't spend time in the hospitals and they have started leading 'normal' lives. I recall one comment from our esteemed hostess, Vixen, where she said "my pain medication is collecting dust", that was enough proof for me...
But, to those that need more, remember that the US FDA has given Nicosan Orphan Drug Designation. It's not FDA approved for prescription use yet, but getting Orphan Drug Designation means that the FDA has reviewed research and clinical data and has deemed it worthy of such status.
HU has been shown to have a lot of complications and they are still concerned about the long-term effects of it's use. Nicosan has been in use in Nigeria for generations, but in clinical settings since the early 90s. I had dinner with one of the guys that has been involved in the early trials the the other day and he couldn't stop talking about how Nicosan changed so many people's lives when they started the trials. He's still involved 15 or so years later and is still very passionate about what Nicosan does for people.
I thought it best just to leave a quick comment than to send a email as this would be directly beneficial to others...
Crossing over from western medicine meant doing my own research. Knowledge was key for me. Hearing about Nicosan and that it really helped you was enough for me also.
I looked at 'western' medicine when I was in hospital (using the internet on my phone) to find that some of the 'medicine' they were giving actually CAUSED anaemia. I lost faith in their systems a long time ago...
Previously I have searched for information on diets which are better for people with Sickle Cell, however, I had limited success and still had daily aches, pains and fatigue and lost too much weight. I still retained knowledge of healthy eating which of course benefits myself and others.
So my experience - it's been excellent. Whilst taking it regularly (daily) I have felt my pain levels reduce and energy levels increase. I've been able to do 'normal' things, including going to the gym. Taking the tablets once every couple days works (sometimes forget). So once it is in your system your body continues to run smoothly. I have since stopped my transfusions (which cost them (they said) in excess of £1000 each time (every 6-8 weeks)), and it's a much cheaper way of looking after myself. Hey, I wouldn't mind if they funded paying for the medicine. Just think, I could have 2 years supply for the cost of 1 transfusion.
But they would prefer for you to keep returning to them, day in day out, to treat the symptoms, rather than treat the cause. That is the 'business' model of western medicine.
It's been 2 weeks since last taking Nicosan, had minor aches, feeling more tired at the gym, but generally I'm OK and continue to enjoy as much as possible! :)
Go Nicosan! Go Vixen :)
Mr A, London UK.
Thank you for the input everyone:)
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