Saturday, May 24, 2008

Connecting With Someone With Sickle Cell

I just got off the phone with Milan, a reader from the blog who is the absolutely most fabulous chick I've had the pleasure of meeting with sickle cell. She's like a young version of me, all spunk, feisty, full of determination, attitude, sass and heart. She's actually what I wish I was when I was her age; she's so smart and self-aware.

We spoke for an hour and I must say, talking to someone else that has sickle cell is one of the most liberating experiences that you can have. I heartily recommend it to everyone that has sickle cell. We go through our lives in isolation, rarely coming across people that really get what it is to be like us, to go through what we go through. Sure we do come across people that "understand" but unless actually you have sickle cell, you have no idea!

Milan and I connected on so many levels, and we've actually been through alot of similar experiences. I think talking and sharing with her opened me up to alot of issues that sickle cell warriors go through that I haven't even begun to address on here, like how to deal with a doctor that is butting heads with you, ignorant medical professionals, isolation in white communities and when insurance gives you the boot.

So, for meeting people with sickle cell, the internet is such a valuable resource. Don't be afraid of using it. Try Myspace, Facebook, Yahoo groups or forums. Try your doctor, he might have another patient with sickle cell that they can connect you with. Don't be afraid to pick up the phone, dial the number and actually talk live with another sickle cell warrior.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right that we go through our lives in isolation and in pain. It's nice to hear you connecting with other people, we are not alone in this. Together we will bring awareness, respect and intelligent health care.
Fight on!