Monday, May 19, 2008

Back Again

Well, the last week has been rough to say the least. I'm going to explore the triggers of my last crises as I usually do in my next post, but this one was really, really awful. The last time I was sick, I thought it was my worst time ever...but this time, this puts everything in a whole new perspective.

I was in the ICU---On the ventilator!

OMG, it was absolutely crazy. What's even more bizarre is that when I was struggling for life, my mom in Nigeria had this eerie dark premonition and woke up from her sleep and started praying hardcore from me. My cell phone was ringing with my friend DC from the East Coast leaving me a message and saying that I was heavily on her mind and she just wanted to see how I was doing.

I was zonked out and unconscious most of last week and finally through bits and pieces from my family and the hospital workers, I was able to piece the whole thing together. All right, I'll give you the skinny in the next post. But I just want to take this moment to thank God for life and love and family. And make sure that you appreciate every moment that you have because you never know when you will be gone.


Unknown said...

Just so you konw your blogg is amazing. I am a 30+ Male with SCA and I feel your pain. I can relate completely from relationships to college. People really need to know about you blogg it can help people everywhere.

I've read you blogg for begining to end and for you to open up your life to the world is amazing. Hope you get better soon, we need you!


Anonymous said...

you are amazing!!!!!! I am the mother of a child with Hbss. She is on Hydroxyurea now and hasnt had a crisis in a year. I feel your pain may not think so. There was a time that I was standing by the hospital bed not knowing if she would make it. You are truly amazing! Hope you feel better.

On another note, not sure if you lose income while you are in the hospital..anyhow, my daughter has a sickness plan that accepted her preexisting condition. I pay twenty a month. A little price to pay when your away from work for days. Anyway, if you are interested, let me know and I will give you the info. My email is

Vixen said...

Adam, I think we all go through the same issues dealing with this, yet it's so easy to feel isolated when you are struggling with living with sickle cell. Thanks for your wonderful comments, that totally made my day. And I will be here and keep writing.

Mizz Mercedes, thanks for the great tips. I will post about this once I figure out the logistics, that plan sounds too good to be true ma! Good luck with your daughter.